söndag 8 januari 2012

Lemon and chives salmon sandwich

This was much of a new invention. Also went original with najad salmon (a mix of smoked and marinated salmon). Regular smoked salmon would do it too, I believe.

100gr smoked salmon (2 slices)
50gr creme fraiche
4 straws of chives
Grated lemon zest (about half a lemon or less)
Cucumber slices

Mix creme fraiche with the sliced chives, the grated lemon zest. If you wish you can taste with salt and pepper, but we didn't as the salmon already brings the "salt" in the sandwich.
Spread the mixture on 4-6 toast bread. Make sure that it is evenly distributed. The amount should not be too thick as you have the same mixture on both sides of the sandwich. Distribute salmon on each side so that you have one layer of salmon all over the toast bread. Again, do not put too much salmon as you have salmon on both sides of the sandwich. Put sliced cucumber on 2-3 of the slices. Put the slices without cucumber on those with. This implies getting a sandwich with following layers (mixture, salmon, cucumber, salmon, mixture).  Cut each sandwich in four pieces.

Serve as is or decorate with a toothpick. I actually used the same ingredients at the top of the toothpick to make clear to the eaters what kind of food they are putting in their mouth, in this case salmon and cucumber. 

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