fredag 6 januari 2012


The idea of doing cupcakes with Fimo I saw on the Internet. This girl used silicone to do the swirl. I got my own idea of doing "cupcake boxes" as it seemed a little unnecessary to just have a lot of cupcakes for no use. The boxes should be then used as Christmas presents and contain something like earrings or similar. In Fimo also.
But indeed I felt that doing boxes with Fimo would use up my whole Fimo collection and making me a poor girl. I found some "air drying" clay that needs no further handling nor baking. Not sure how good it is, but I thought it was worth trying it. It comes in larger packs and is somewhat cheaper at least.
In order to get the cupcake shape, I used my silicon muffin stamps that I purchased to actually do soap some few years ago.

The instructions say that the clay should dry within a few hours. This I do not think is true. I made the cupcake bottom 2 days ago and they still feel rather "cold". "Cold" usually means "not dry".

I colored the bottom part with a mix of Americana's Raw sienna (which was too light to simulate chocolate color) with a good hint of Asphaltum (which was too dark instead). I probably should have added some hint of red, too, but at first I didn't do it. The colour turned out rather dull so at the end I added some red with a more neat result. Probably, I should purchase some "Chocolate" color so I do not need to "mix up and find my way"....
The final color became rather dull, so I realized the best thing to do would be to actually put some finish on it, which I did and I got a more brilliant result.

Then I also did some rounds to be the "covers". These rounds can then be topped with silicone.

The difficult task was to find some good toppings for the cupcakes so they would get some decoration.
After some thinking, I came up with strawberries,
chocolate pieces, cookies and also some candy dots in two different colours.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nel mio c'erano degli orecchini a forma di lussekatter .. troppo belli ... !!!!

  2. La foto mi manca... non e' che me ne fai una e me la passi? Mi e' venuto in mente che non ti ho messo su gli orecchini... Cavolaccio....
    Lo fai te o me li mandi su col mio papa' e te li faccio io? Bacetti
