tisdag 20 december 2011

Just a regular Scandinavian December...

Over a week ago, my daddy published some images taken at the beginning of December in their Italian garden picturing some roses that were blooming. It sounded quite weird to me... but thinking back I realized I had seen some white spots in the area around my roses. So last Sunday, I just confronted the weather and under the wet snow, I went exploring the garden to spot if I had been imagining stuff...
And I was indeed not! There were roses, white roses in full bloom. Slightly covered by the light snow!


 It was my new beloved rose Thérèse de Lisieux purchased during last Spring from a French mail order company.

So isn't nature beautiful? This is just one more typical Swedish December I guess... ;O) Or is it a French rose that believes it is still at home?! Just really hope they will survive the Swedish winter, really!

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