tisdag 31 maj 2011

Magnolia stellata

Latin: Magnolia stellata
English: Star magnolia
Swedish: Stjärnmagnolia

We purchased a magnolia stellata some weeks ago at Blomstertorget in Linköping, but we picked it up now on Sunday 29/5-2011. Today, 31/5-2011, after having got our sour flower bed "done", we planted it. Hope it will develop. According to the description below, it should grow to a 2-4 meters high. That I really would like to see... :O) Right now it is x meters. For some strange reason, the information in Swedish says it will be around 1,5 m maximum. Very difficult to know who is right. My guess, the Swedish height will apply, my hope goes for the 2-4 meters... :o)

We planted it into something that was supposedly peat, which is what hydrangea should get as far as I understood. As I did not trust the guy that delivered the "peat" or whatever he called peat, we actually had a drive to Plantagen and purchased a bag of good quality peat to have in the vicinity of the roots... Better safe than sorry...
Height: top point 116cm (no "stem" really as you can see in the picture) (6/6-2011)

(according to Floramedia) Attractive flowers on 'bare' wood. Produces a mass of fragrant tulip-shaped flowers in the early spring. Can be planted on its own or in the background of a border. The leaves turn yellow in autumn before dropping. Can grow to a height of 2 to 4 meters. Hardy shrub.
Flowers in april

Add chalk and compost occasionally to improve growth and blossoming.
Pruning is not necessary, but dead wood should be removed.

Note though... everybody recommends peat though. Who is right? Let us see how it goes with peat. And if it does not work as wished, we will have to rethink...

Sun to half sun recommended

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