måndag 30 maj 2011

Cupcake decoration course

For this training, the muffins to decorate are handed by the course leader. So that part I cannot influence. The marzipan and the frosting is also handed out by the course leader, so that part I cannot influence either.
Colors are also given.

The decorating part though given the components is purely up to me.
This was the result of a "hard work".....

Scaringly ugly cupcake with an extremely ugly pink color
Exercising small star tip and making flowers....

Ugly flower cupcake
The middle is marzipan. The rest is exercising different tips...

Little less ugly cupcake
Mostly marzipan decoration. But I had to "exercise" some more on piping icing....
Rather neat cupcake (looked better in reality than on the picture)
Exercising swirl tip and trying to create some flowers with some stamps that wouldn't look like everybody else's.

Monster cupcake
This was an exercise on "grass decorating tip", which turned out was not as easy as the teacher made it look. Again, that ugly pink color could have been some other one, but well... Thought the monster was rather cute anyways... Staring at me like that....  :O)

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