tisdag 17 maj 2011

Blooming around....

I got this idea about using brown clay that, without any glaze at all. It turned out to look like a ginger bread cookie. So here everything started. The idea of having light clay for the main object and with beige glaze decorated with brown clay without any glaze started.

At the same time, the need for flower vases increased and the idea of throw did not appeal to me given the previous terrible results. Rolling out the clay seemed like a better alternative. Straight vases were a little too boring and I had already done similar vases, so I thought I might do some with a more "original" form.

The results can be seen in the coming pictures. These vases have been done in different terms and as I liked the idea and I needed more matching vases in different sizes, there are quite a few.

This must have been the first of a series and is about xx cm tall. It fits tight 7 tulips. Probably, 2 more cm in diameter would have made miracles for the 10-tulip bouquets you can get at the supermarket... But well...

[Imagine here my long stemmed vase.... Will try to take a picture of it as soon as I localize it...]

The next try was much higher and thinner. It was supposed to have a lot more of flowers all the way, but, as usual, I was too lazy and did not "rub" the back of them enough so they fell off. Anyways, the fallen flowers turned out to be rather useful in other projects. More suitable for a few long stem flowers. Question is, "when do I ever purchase such bouquets? Well, let me see what the garden gives me this year....

If flowers, why not hearts for my big heart!
 It looks much larger than it is. It is no more than 10cm tall.It is used as a money container.

I made a similar one for myself, but with flowers again for my pens. But for some reason, it seems to have gone up in smoke from my desk. Picture coming whenever it returns home....

These guys still did not fulfill all my needs. I needed a vase for my flesh-eating plant and a rather big one for my decorative woods. So here they come. These guys are much larger: xx cm and xx cm.
 The flowers, do not ask me why, turned out to be of a different clay, which was lighter and with dots (wtf... :O( ), but, well, I have gotten used to it in the meantime and it was ok. The "smaller" one turned out to be too big for my flesh-eating plant anyways and now the plant has dried out anyways (too little insects in the winter, they say...)

My idea was to make a tulip vase as any tulip vase. That is not straight but rather wavy. As I could not really decide on the wave form exactly, the project has not gone through yet. Risk is high that it never will...

Anyways, all of a sudden, I got an urge to throw... as usual, I cannot really accept I cannot do something. So even though I am very very poor at it and have been "throwing" away a lot of things (hehe... what a strange mixup of words...) and the amount of "mashed" clay was amazingly high, I gave it a further try.
Main purpose here was to make a cup for my daddy.
 An air bubble came into it somewhere. And I came out with the less brilliant idea of wetting the border. So a crack came in. The flowers were mostly a reparation for the crack. Turned out neat though I personally think. Glaze is nearly finished though, so it is very thin unfortunately....

Now it looks bad though: the beige glaze seems to be out and no new coming.... Desperation!

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