måndag 8 augusti 2011


When I was little, I used to eat polenta nearly every Sunday lunch with brasato that grandmom used to cook. That was a real tradition. As you were supposed to continuously stir the polenta while cooking it in a copper calderon for around 45 minutes, the whole family made turns to cover up the long 45 minutes.

Now the world has developed and with the caldron you also have a stirring device, so no manual stirring is required any longer. I got to take over the copper caldron as my parents do not use it as often any longer.

So today we tried to cook the "original Italian Polenta" in a Swedish kitchen with a copper caldron. With stirring device:
Polenta in copper caldron - 8/8-2011
Ingredients (per person)
100gr Old style polenta flour (the grounding is rough)
4dl water
1ml salt

Cook the water. Add the salt. Stir for 30-40 minutes depending on the flour cooking instructions. If it says less than that, you probably have some strange precooked type of meal that does not give the perfect results.
Heat should be slow, but the polenta should bubble at least once every few seconds.
It is done when tilting the pot yields the meal to separate itself from the pot.
Do not worry if a patina builds up around the pot. It is also normal that it burns lightly.

Serve it hot with brasato and with gorgonzola. I normally slice up polenta, put gorgonzola on it which leads to obvious melting and add some brasato sauce. I then pile up more slices that way and eat!

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