söndag 22 april 2012

Pot for Mom

For Christmas, I tried to throw something nice for Mom, but it turned out to be an ugly pot. Or at least so thought Mom... She felt it was not straight...

So well, let us not give up and the first thing I tried to throw after Christmas break was a straight pot for Mom. This was the result of the activity. 
Unfortunately, my first choice of clay with some sort of "life" in was not available. Everything that was available at that point in time was white clay. Not sure what happened, normally there is much more to choose from. But not this time.

And just to make sure, look at the next picture. Definitively as straight as my untalented ME could go. Don't you agree? Anyway, I am rather happy of the result somewhat!

Mom does not like "uniform or boring colors" like everybody else does nowadays where the trend is "all white" and if they go wild, it could go "somewhat beige" or, at its wildest, "grey"....

So the base white clay I used was not helping my final result very much. Until I found a metallic brown colour in a bucket. It was not one of the colors we were supposed to use for some reason, but the teacher was nice (as usual) and I was allowed to use it anyway. It is a rather strange colour that can go from dark dark brown where it is very thin, to nearly dark orange with a metallic touch where it is at its thickest. Also hints of green are there... Wondering where they come from. Check it out!

Interesting colour. We cannot know if it is something for Mom, but it is definitively neither boring nor white/grey/beige...

Let us hope this time the little production is somewhat more appreciated... :O) It might as well go along with the cup I made for Mom.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ma è bellissima !!!!

  2. La mamma apprezza e ringrazia.... il colore è bellissimo... proprio come piace a me.. e anche "dritta" stavolta... :o) bacetti !!!!
